It’s not very hard to get in touch with the chief Dr. AD Mahapatra of Mon Ke Niye. Only you have to take an initiative and take the first step. we provide Counselling For Parents, Pre Marriage Counselling, Counselling Services, Helplines For Suicide Counselling, Cancer Counselling Centres, Assertiveness Counselling, Aged Counselling Centres, Aids Counselling Centres, Alcohol De Addiction Centres, Counselling Centre For Drug Addiction, Counselling Centre Relationship, counselling De-Addiction,Counselling For Personality Development,Counselling Services For Behavior Problems,Counselling Services For Children,Counselling Services For Trauma,Counselling Services For Women,Counsellor Personal Problem, Family Conflict Counselling Services, HIV Aids Counselling Services, Hypnotherapists For Depression, Hypnotherapists For Psychological Past, Hypnotherapists For Sexual Problem, Lesbian Counselling Centers, Marital Problem Doctors, Marriage Counselling Centres, Motivation Counseling Services, Post Marriage Counselling Centers, Psychological Counselling For Mentally Challenged, Psychological Counselling For Physically Challenged, Psychological Sexual Disorder Doctors, Psychological Testing, Psychologist Doctors, Psychometric Test, Psychotherapy Doctors, Sex Counselling Centres, Sexologist Doctors For Female, Sexologist Doctors For Male, Slow Learners Counselling Centres, psycho counseling, psychological counselling psychoanalysis, child counselling and psychotherapy sessions. Also, we undertake various types of counselling matters related to family, marriage, adolescence, behaviour, and relationship counselling. We provide treatment for various disorders like Stress, depression, Mania, ADHD, Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, mood disorder, recurrent depression, autism, Insomnia, OCD, Dyslexia, and addiction to drugs and alcohol. Treatments provided here are Acupressure therapy, hypnosis, picture therapy, rational emotive therapy (RET), Token Economy, Transactional Analysis, Primal Therapy etc.
To book an appointment at Baguihati Centre, please call at the below-mentioned numbers on weekdays Monday to Saturday from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM. to schedule an appointment Monday to Saturday & Sunday open (for special / emergency appointments) from 3:00 PM to 9:30 PM.
Just give a call to the mentioned numbers: 033 2576 0196, +919836089887, +919874288497. Also, you can simply contact us and discuss your problems and fix up a time with us. For route directions to the Baguihati centre please follow the map below.
All our meetings are confidential and information is protected. Do not worry about your privacy.
Our professional counselling and therapy will help you to elevate from your suffering and will bring positive change within you which help you to achieve better quality of life
Our long time experience and unique process of therapy and counselling become always helpful of our large range of patients. So you can rely on us.
Do a positive investment to yourself. Don't ignore your psychological issues. Most of the psychological issues can be cured if you treat them on time.