-:“Helpline Numbers”:-

Without Medicines Counselling And Treatment At “Mon Ke Niye” Kolkata | Face To Face Counselling In Chambers (Monday To Saturday 10Am To 2Pm And 4Pm To 10Pm. By Appointment Only) Jora Mandir Area, Db 3/1, Rail Pukur Rd, Baguiati, Kolkata, West Bengal 700059| Video Call Counselling , Online Therapy - Only Sunday (By Appointment Only) Call Us.


MON KE NIYE (Mental Health Counselling Centre)

Dr. AD Mahapatra  (Clinical Psychologist)

Tirupati Apartment

DB 3/1 Rail Pukur Road, Baguiati, Kolkata 700059.


Baguiati VIP Road and Joramandir Crossing

From – VIP Road-Through VIP Sweet Lane, On the way of Rail Pukur Road- opposite of CESC Cash Office

Consultancy fees- 1100/


Monday to Saturday- 10 am -1 pm. And 4 pm to 10 pm.

For Appointment-

033 2576 0196 | 9836089887 | 8017360852

E-mail: monkeniye@gmail.com

Google Location-






All our meetings are confidential and information is protected. Do not worry about your privacy.

Our Care

Our professional counselling and therapy will help you to elevate from your suffering and will bring positive change within you which help you to achieve better quality of life


Our long time experience and unique process of therapy and counselling become always helpful of our large range of patients. So you can rely on us.

Get a Consultation Right Now! Call: 983 608 9887

Do a positive investment to yourself. Don't ignore your psychological issues. Most of the psychological issues can be cured if you treat them on time.