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Without Medicines Counselling And Treatment At “Mon Ke Niye” Kolkata | Face To Face Counselling In Chambers (Monday To Saturday 10Am To 2Pm And 4Pm To 10Pm. By Appointment Only) Jora Mandir Area, Db 3/1, Rail Pukur Rd, Baguiati, Kolkata, West Bengal 700059| Video Call Counselling , Online Therapy - Only Sunday (By Appointment Only) Call Us.

OCD Treatment Counseling in Kolkata (Without MEDICINES)

Dr. A D Mahapatra is a leading Psychologist for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Kolkata. He is well known for counselling and treatment in West Bengal, India.

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?

Now the patient-It’s the same work or the same thinking repeatedly makes or though the ideas are wrong, or thing to do. OCD Is Triggered By Genetic, Hormonal Imbalance, Neurological, Behavioral, And Environmental Coordinates..

Two components of this disease. Such as 1) Obsession 2) Compilation.


 Such as:

  • Dread of defilement or earth
  • Requiring things efficient and symmetrical
  • Forceful or terrible musings about hurting yourself or others
  • Undesirable contemplation, including animosity, or sexual or religious subjects

Examples of obsession signs and symptoms include:-

  • Dread of being defiled by contacting objects others have contacted
  • Questions that you’ve bolted the entryway or killed the stove
  • Extreme pressure when objects aren’t methodical or confronting a specific way
  • Pictures of harming yourself or another person that is undesirable and makes you uneasy
  • Considerations about yelling obscenities, or acting improperly that are undesirable and make you uneasy
  • Shirking of circumstances that can trigger fixations, for example, shaking hands
  • Pain about obnoxious sexual pictures rehashing in your brain.


OCD impulses are dreary practices that you feel headed to perform. These dreary practices or mental acts are intended to avoid or diminish tension identified with your fixations or keep something terrible from occurring. Notwithstanding, captivating in the impulses brings no delight and may offer just an impermanent alleviation from uneasiness.

You may make up guidelines or customs to pursue that assistance controls your tension when you’re having over-the-top considerations. These impulses are extreme and regularly are not practically identified with the issue they’re expected to settle.

As with obsessions, compulsions typically have themes, such as:-

  • Washing and cleaning
  • Checkingpls
  • Tallying
  • Precision
  • Following a strict everyday practice
  • Requesting consolations

Examples of compulsion signs and symptoms include:-

  • Hand-washing until the point when your skin winds up the crude.
  • Checking entryways more than once to ensure they’re bolted.
  • Checking the stove more than once to ensure it’s off.
  • Checking in specific examples.
  • Quietly rehashing a supplication, word or expression.
  • Orchestrating your canned products to confront a similar way.

If these symptoms are seen –  Dr. A D Mahapatra – “Mon Ke Niye” contact the clinic- Counseling And light and sound therapy are perfect for one of the fancy treatments Goes is healthy.

Search for keywords on Google- online counselling for OCD, online therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

MON KE NIYE (Mental Health Counselling Centre)

Dr. A D Mahapatra (Clinical Psychologist)

Tirupati Apartment

DB 3/1 Rail Pukur Road, Baguiati, Kolkata 700059.


Baguiati VIP Road and Joramandir Crossing

From – VIP Road-Through VIP Sweet Lane, On the way of Rail Pukur Road- opposite of CESC Cash Office

Consultancy fees- 1000/


Monday to Saturday- 10 am -1 pm. And 4 pm to 10 pm.

For Appointment-

033 2576 0196 | 9836089887 | 8017360852

E-mail: monkeniye@gmail.com

Google Location-


All our meetings are confidential and information is protected. Do not worry about your privacy.

Our Care

Our professional counselling and therapy will help you to elevate from your suffering and will bring positive change within you which help you to achieve better quality of life


Our long time experience and unique process of therapy and counselling become always helpful of our large range of patients. So you can rely on us.

Get a Consultation Right Now! Call: 983 608 9887

Do a positive investment to yourself. Don't ignore your psychological issues. Most of the psychological issues can be cured if you treat them on time.